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  • Environmental flows: Walls and Walkways

    Question- Daman is going through a lot of infrastructural development lately towards tourists’ recreation. The language of circulation inside the Moti Daman fort in a grid pattern causing discomfort at several places and providing shade at several. This forms micro conditions inside the fort. The lack of maintenance also results in improper waste management. The old fort wall ruins also supports the growth of vegetation over itself at various places inside the fort. Some of the micro conditions are formed around these walls. How do the the walls respond to a public interface that blurs the street patterns and micro conditions allowing the pauses to be more continuous and comforting? Several micro conditions formed at places inside the fort Locations of ruins inside the fort Built and unbuilt Debris dumped behind fort walls Vegetation growing on old fort walls The design consists of a transect walkway passing through various places inside the fort connecting the Pargola garden, Maratha memorial, tall abandoned fort wall, curved fort wall, and the Dominican monastery. The two major places of pause selected are the library entrance and the extension of the curved wall as a public interface with a roof garden. Built spaces and walkway passing through it Initial ideas of transect walkway Walkway creeps through spaces in the fort the vegetation over the ruins First idea of the roof for the library entrance Series of arches allowing an outdoor library Idea of extending the exiting fort wall to form the entrance Play with arches to form different spaces for the outdoor library Initial idea of the public interface having a connect with the ground level and slowly rising up Form of the public interface blurring the grid pattern and altering the street typology to provide a playful space under the roof garden with public facilities. Key plan Different programmes in the public interface, example- reading and seating spaces, public toilets, play spaces, drinking water facility, exhibit spaces/stalls Light conditions under the roof garden Cross sections indicating the scale of the space and people occupying it Transect walkway details around the pargola garden Walkway around the Dominican monastery Walkway near the Directorate of Education building and Maratha memorial Construction details of walkway The library entrance has series of arches supported by a smaller arcade and connected by barrel vaults with slits for skylight. The smaller arcade is an extension of the existing walls. The square where two series of arches meet is covered by a cross vault. Seating spaces are partially covered with the barrel vaults and arches allowing a blur between the inside and outside. Light conditions- Library entrance The library entrance connecting the public interface by a walkway

  • Mechanics of structure

    RCC frame structure Structure is made using concrete and reinforced with metal rods. Changes can be made in the walls as the load is taken by the columns and beams. Bricks are used to make the wall. The foundation of the building is underground with an expanded base- Column foundation We learned about the history of building from a shelter created by stones and the development into roofs, archs and eventually buildings made of beams and columns(RCC). Also use of other methods like using cables. We also learned about their pros and cons. Transfer of load in the structure and different forces getting involved.

  • Ratnagiri site study

    After being allotted in the house group , we studied and experienced the household, its built form, surrounding and changes. We drew out plans and sections of the buildings which later helped us understand how everyday life was shaped by the position of these houses.

  • Rimbaud :Experience of Bodies

    We started with reading poems written by Arthur Rimbaud. My poem was Romance which further led to collection of objects. Then, we created a soundscape which included indifferences and everyday chaos. Further, I wrote a compilation of dialogue which showed the experience of bodies and their interaction in a train compartment. Later we tried to convert our texts into a drawings.

  • Module : Creating Space

    During our trip to Ratnagiri, we studied a village's economy ,housing, lifestyle etc. The village is situated on the coast and hence has a historical and economical relationship with the Samudra. More than half the village's

  • Module: Study of form and movement

    it all started with the idea of a pest. For me, personally, a neighbor of mine barging in my house anytime and grabbing things was the pest .My initial drawing has many hands shown in a grabbing position. Further, i wanted to show the same characteristics in an insect so i chose a butterfly. As we know, butterflies are also known as 'nectar stealers' .They seemed adequate for this module. The butterfly uses its proboscis to suck nectar from flowers. The proboscis is a straw like structure which opens due to muscular contraction . It rolls itself back in after sucking nectar. Its a quick action.

  • Module 2 : Space

    " Hello, do you have any plans of coming back up? " " No" The feeling of home happens when I'm with my friends relaxing on a small water tank below our building . It may not be the most comfortable place chosen but it is comforting indeed. To sit among people you've been with for years and let off steam. Here, I've focused more on the space itself . Being the oasis it is for me in the cluster of tall buildings .

  • Module 1 : Patterns and Forces

    In this module, importance is given to the mechanism of the object, its structure and form. I chose a spin mop and bucket to work on here. After understanding its working, the object is brought down to lines and planes, forces acting and the movement . Forces acting on object Components Analysis of form of object

  • Orientation week 1 : Winter Drawings

    Though it was a tedious week for me as I was hopping from one drawing to another altering my ideas, I finally found stability in the softness of snow (or at least I think I did). I started with the memory of my family friends enjoying a vacation in Kashmir but gradually shifted to the feeling of warmth, comfort and coziness in my house . Jumping in snow After a bunch of lost sketches, my faculty advised me to create muck just behind the school building by digging wet soil and pouring water all over it to understand the texture of snow. Though my first reaction was filled with confusion and surprise , when I actually started the process, I have to admit ;it was pretty interesting. I got on board with the idea and made these drawings.

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